Joining other classmates in after-class video chat using incognito for testing with another classmate:
Instructor Dashboard:
- Create a new class price
- View my class price(s)
- Create a class
VOD (Video on demand)/past recordings of classes:
If the user is not logged in, go to "sign up" and "log in" page:
Loading the "Subscribe" button and going to the Stripe payment page:
Special Events and Workshops page:
Features dynamic Eventbrite and donation link integration, expand and collapse class information, responsive styling, and the class page with countdown. The webpage detects if users are on a mobile browser and they see a modal to go to the iOS app or Android app for a better viewing experience on smaller devices.
MixPose styled intro modal with "do not show again" using local storage, 3 ways to view modal (swipe,  side buttons, or bottom buttons):
Shows user's class history (list view), count of classes taken from instructors, link to instructor detail profile, and instructor profile page:
Year "glance" of classes taken to track consistency:
Frontend, design: Sarah Han
AI, Android, back end: Peter Ma
iOS: Ethan Fan
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